Learning managament system
How businesses increased their work-flow by implementing
Moodle LSM
Learn how we approach and solve our client's obstacles associated with Moodle LSM and help them adapt this learning management system to their businesess.
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In short. How can we help?
We can maintain an existing Moodle system, or install a new one and continue to maintain it.
We advise clients on their business needs and help refine how Moodle can help them implement them.
We can update the old Moodle environment to a new one and adapt it to your business
Moodlen kurssit
In this case, the client had Moodle LMS environment for over 2 years but was unable to successfully use it. The client began to wonder if the Moodle environment was the right tool for him.
Moodlen kurssit
We started this case by analyzing the needs of the client and what tasks he want Moodle to perform. We organized a workshop where we demonstrated the possibilities of Moodle LMS environment. We took the questions and problems that were raised during the activity and fully explained them to our client teaching him about the platform in the process.
After this meeting, the staff’s opinion was changed about Moodle in a positive way.
After this, we proceeded with necessary updates for the platform to improve and advance its capabilities to our client’s needs and expectations.
Now the client is using Moodle LMS environment to its full potential in organizing training sessions in his business.
Discover all Moodle LMS benefits
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