Learning managament system

How businesses increased their work-flow by implementing
Moodle LSM

Learn how we approach and solve our client's obstacles associated with Moodle LSM and help them adapt this learning management system to their businesess.

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In short. How can we help?

We can maintain an existing Moodle system, or install a new one and continue to maintain it.

We advise clients on their business needs and help refine how Moodle can help them implement them.

We can update the old Moodle environment to a new one and adapt it to your business



In this case, the client was looking for a platform to create and manage training courses. His goal was to sell these courses online, so he wanted a platform that would be easily adaptable for the model of the online course.



We came up with the solution to implement Moodle alongside Inteliboard and Intelicart. Inteliboard is used for data tracking and lets you know about what is happening in your LMS platform. IntelliCart is a fully-featured eCommerce application that handles the commercial side of the project. Both Intelliboard and Intellicar are fully compatible with Moodle LMS.

We set up the platform for full use in 2months and successfully launched it. Now there are plans to expand this platform to several countries abroad.

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